Click to select or de-select the nights you wish to stay, then click go to view available rooms and rates.
Price displayed is lowest price available including minimum room night offers.
Price Guide: from £198 per room
Offer type: special-occasions
Check availabilityClick to select or de-select the nights you wish to stay, then click go to view available rooms and rates.
Price displayed is lowest price available including minimum room night offers.
Audleys Wood Hotel, Basingstoke is a romantic setting for your Valentine's break.
From £198 per couple per night
Side dishes £3.95
If you are looking for a gift to give on Valentine's Day or other Valentine's Day ideas browse our Hand Picked Hotels vouchers for inspirational choices.
From £198 per couple per night
Side dishes £3.95
If you are looking for a gift to give on Valentine's Day or other Valentine's Day ideas browse our Hand Picked Hotels vouchers for inspirational choices.