by Carla Inglis, Spa Manager at Norton House Hotel

I am Carla Inglis, Spa Manager at Norton House Hotel. I have worked at Norton House Spa for 10 years this November. I started as an advanced therapist and worked my way up to Spa Manager in 2010.

I love all things spa! Product treatments, fluffy robes, waffle slippers, relaxation. I have a 4 year old daughter and a husband who both take up most of my spare time, however, when I have the chance for some me time I do enjoy spending time relaxing on a spa day.

With the arrival of spring comes new conditions for our skin and bodies. We need to keep this in mind when looking after ourselves too. After a cold, dark winter, there is definitely no better way to get your body ready for spring and summer than with a body scrub.

A body scrub will leave you with a healthy looking glowing skin. Using a scrub 1-2 times a week will remove dead skin cell build up and leave your skin looking smoother and refreshed. 

Using a scrub also allows for moisturisers to work more effectively and improve your tan; fake or real, as you are tanning your new skin cells. 

This is exactly what your skin will be calling out for after a winter of central heating and being covered up. 


There are so many different types of body scrub available including lots of recipes to create homemade scrubs with all natural ingredients.

With Easter just around the corner we have considered the benefits of a chocolate body scrub and why it is so good for your skin:

  • It acts as a deep moisturiser and nourishes your skin
  • Can smooth your wrinkles
  • Can calm and heal irrated skin
  • Can help to rejuvinate the skin and promote the skin cell renewal process
  • Makes skin more supple and smooth
  • When combined with caffeine it can increase circulation to the skin