by Helen Worsey, Reception Manager at Ettington Park Hotel
I am Helen Worsey, Reception Manager at Ettington Park Hotel. With Easter just around the corner, get crafting with these fabulous Easter hoppers ready to collect your treats on Easter Sunday.
You will need:
- Template (below)
- A4 sheet of felt
- Pen
- Embroidery thread/cotton
- Ribbon (approximately 40cm)
- Scissors
- Needle
- Thread
- Treats
- Pom pom's/decorative flowers (optional extras)
- Print out template, by copying and pasting the below into a Word document, so that it is A5 size.
- Take an A4 piece of felt and fold in half.
- Place the template onto the felt and draw around.
- Pin the felt together and cut out your hopper.
- Repeat for the heart nose.
- Sew your nose to your felt hopper and add whisker and mouth using embroidery thread- 2 strands.
- Once complete, sew both sides together, either by hand or machine, leaving a gap between the ears.
- Wrap the ribbon around your hopper and add a couple of stitches at the back to secure and tie as desired. Maybe add a flower on the ear.
- You are now ready to fill your hopper bag with Easter treats!